
Growing up was generally a great experience as told at my other blog Growing Up In America

This blog however relates my more tragic memories without getting overly specific*. These are memories of abuse and my abusers, which I share to a limited extent here in the hope it may help others who have been abused.

To the outside world my abusers appeared as concerned family, upstanding citizens, community participants and church goers.

But like most abusers, they carefully hid both their abuse and the dark side of their personalities. To that end, they did everything possible to discredit the credibility of the person they were abusing.

So if I would be so foolish as to complain publically, no one would believe me. And that is exactly what happened when I finally did get the courage to tell others.

Abusive, sadistic, psychopathic behavior can seem both incredible and unbelievable to normal folks, so documentation of these true stories is available.

* To keep this a family rated Blog, I have purposely omitted many details.