Copyright Info

General Information

All material displayed on Friends of Ole Dave web sites including this Web Site are copyrighted or trademarked by Friends of Ole Dave and/or licensed by/from its 3rd party suppliers, providers,  associates, partners, advertisers, contributors, affiliates or are in the public domain.

Friends of Ole Dave uses certain graphics and or design items which are copyrighted and or trademarked by our business associates and provided to us under contract, license or agreement. Such items are used under such contract and agreements with our suppliers, providers, vendors, associates, partners, affiliates, affiliated companies, customers, web site visitors, contributors and related parties. See DMCA notice below for claims of infringement or related.

Friends of Ole Dave permits product materials to be submitted from advertisers, customers and web site visitors as well as third parties *.

Friends of Ole Dave adheres to all copyright, trademark and intellectual property law.
Persons having questions or claim regarding these matters relative to Friends of Ole Dave's web sites or other should contact us as noted below under Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice

Friends of Ole Dave respects the intellectual property of others and expect the users of and providers to our websites and services to do the same.

Under federal law, if you knowingly misrepresent that online material is infringing, you may be subject to heavy civil penalties. These include monetary damages, court costs, and attorneys’ fees and related as incurred by us, by any copyright owner, or by any copyright owner’s licensee that is injured as a result of our relying upon your misrepresentation. You may also be subject to criminal prosecution for perjury.

Procedure for Making Copyright Misuse/Infringement Claims:

Fair Use: Friends of Ole Dave is a web services provider and assumes no liability for 3rd party image or content displays and under the DMCA of 1998 and will forward such claims to the relevant 3rd party. This also includes advertising, content and other materials provided by 3rd parties. 

Friends of Ole Dave reserves the right for Fair Use of intellectual property material in accord with applicable statutes.

If you believe that your copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and it is accessible on this site or through this service, you may notify our hosting provider or agent, as set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA).